The Rockland County General Service Committee of Alcoholics Anonymous (RCGSCAA) is our county’s district meeting. While Intergroup exists to help alcoholics in our local community and works independently, our general service district is part of the greater A.A. service structure that extends through our general service area (South Eastern New York, or SENY, Area 49 , to our Area Delegate, who carries our Area’s group conscience to the annual General Service Conference, which makes recommendations to the General Service Board, who are responsible for carrying out Conference Actions for the good of A.A. If all that seems complicated – “Do not be discouraged!” We learn as we go…

To simplify:

  • Participating home groups elect General Service Representatives (GSR).  New GSR Kit
  • GSRs attend monthly District Committee Meetings to share information about their groups and receive information from the Area and GSO from our District Committee Member Chair (DCMC) who is elected by the GSRs to represent all the groups in Rockland County at the Area Committee Meeting.
  • GSRs attend Area Assemblies where they share ideas and challenges related to their service commitments and receive help and support from other groups. They also represent their groups when voting to elect our Delegate, Area Officers, and make informed decisions on issues affecting how our Area carries the A.A. message, issues affecting AA as a whole, and how Seventh Tradition contributions are spent.
  • GSRs cooperate with and join the Rockland County General Service Standing Committees (Archives, Accessibilities, Cooperation with the Professional Community, Grapevine, Literature), Ad Hoc Committees (Spiritual Breakfast and Service Workshop) and the Intergroup Liaison to inform their groups and participate in service events at the county and Area level.
  • Standing Committee Chairs participate in Area Committee Meetings to share their experience with each other to improve communication and outreach to the populations they serve.

Rockland County General Service Committee of Alcoholics Anonymous (RCGSCAA) meets on the Third Wednesday of every month, in person at Clarkstown Reformed Church( Annex Building) 107 Strawtown Road, West Nyack at 7:30 pm.

There is a virtual link-up, for those wishing to join via the internet.  Visit the calendar for access information to the virtual link-up.

All Rockland County groups are encouraged to send a representative and to become involved in General Service Sub-Committees:

  • Public Information
  • Accessibilities
  • CPC
  • Literature
  • Grapevine
  • Archives
  • Sponsorship
  • Technology and Communications

We hope you will join us there!

Mailing address for General Service:

Rockland County General Service
PO Box 91
Blauvelt, NY  10913

Notice for monthly online contributors to

To contact RCGS Chair, please use the form below:

Contact Rockland County District Committee Member Chair (DCMC)