Many Rockland County meetings have closed temporarily due to Covid-19 restrictions, however, there are many virtual meetings available.  We encourage you to attend meetings online or by phone.  View the links below for more information about virtual meetings.

Rockland County Virtual Meetings

Rockland County Virtual Meetings

For Socially Distancing “In-Person” meetings, see below.  Most in-person meetings require masks and social distancing.  Some require contact tracing.  Please review notes before attending.Please note, this list is subject to change.

Rockland County In-Person, Face-to-Face and Hybrid Meetings

Face to Face and Hybrid Meetings


If you’re Non-Alcoholic and your educator or employer is requesting that you attend a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous for educational purposes, please attend open meetings only.  As the term suggests, meetings of this type are open to alcoholics and their families and to anyone interested in solving a personal drinking problem or helping someone else to solve such a problem.

If you’re new to A.A., or Non-Alcoholic, please take the time to read to help you choose what meeting is right for you.  Please remember – anonymity is the spiritual foundation of our program.

Rockland County Open Meeting List

Open Meetings (which can be attended by anyone)


Closed meetings are for alcoholics only.

They provide an opportunity for members to share with one another on problems related to drinking patterns and attempts to achieve stable sobriety. They also permit detailed discussion of various elements in the recovery program.  If you are an alcoholic (or believe you have a problem with drinking) you may attend either open or closed meetings.

Rockland County Full Meeting List 

All Rockland AA Meetings: Open, Closed, Virtual, In-Person and Hybrid


Online Intergroup is a part of Alcoholics Anonymous which provides many types of Alcoholics Anonymous meetings using several types on forums.  These meetings happen all over the world and are not part of Rockland County Area but are open to all alcoholics, regardless of location.

Many AA members who cannot attend regular meetings in person find these meetings extremely helpful.  Meeting are held via telephone, text, email, audio/video and group chats.

Online Intergroup can also be accessed through

Reach out and stay connected!

Online Intergroup AA Meetings

To review AA guidelines for online anonymity and safety, please click here.


If your group needs to change its meeting information, please contact the Meeting List Chair.

Please notify the Meeting List Chairperson about new or discontinued meetings to ensure they are included in the meeting list.

Contact The Meeting List Chair to Report New Meetings and Meeting Changes