found the following to be helpful suggestions (so far):
1. Security and separation of duties concerning the billing on Zoom accounts which require a credit card. If only one ZOOM ID shared amongst group hosts, every host has Admin authority and has the ability to make changes to the billing. A possible workaround for this: set up two new gmail addresses for the group: one an Administrator/owner of Zoom while the other is a licensed user/alternate host. The alternate host has the ability to do everything that has to do with meetings, but cannot change meeting settings and settings for the “company” which have been set by the administrator. Once the administrator sets up the group meetings and its defaults, the alternate host cannot change things like adding recording capability, etc. The cost of having two users who are licensed is less than $30 a month.
2. Consider adapting regular meeting scripts for the online meetings, removing wording related to being in a building such as “no smoking close to the building”. Consider adding sentences related to anonymity and other things appropriate for online meetings.
Example :
- If you would like to change your screen name to maintain anonymity (first name, last initial) click on your picture and an option will pop up to “rename.”
- If you will be getting up during the meeting, please disable video to avoid distracting others.
- As facilitator, I will leave all microphones muted except for the speaker. If you would like to share, please ‘raise your hand’ by clicking on ‘participants’ on your screen followed by the ‘raise hand’ button. Group chat is disabled during the meeting; use the chat button only if you need to send a message to me.
- If you joined from a phone, you can press *9 to raise your hand and please press *9 to lower it again after I call the last 4 digits of your number to give you a turn to share.
3. We established a standard way to have the host run the meeting from a technical standpoint. We turned on “mute participants on entry” and left group chat enabled. We also left “allow users to join before the host” on. This lets people come on and see each other and ask for help on chat prior to the meeting starting – and also allows a “meeting before the meeting”. Then, once the host joins, he can choose to unmute everyone. To start the meeting, the host mutes everyone and changes the chat to “only with the host”. This stops side chats but still enables people to tell the host they are having issues raising their hand, etc.
I hope some of these suggestions are helpful to other groups.
– Noah